Since it was first announced three years ago. Hololens continue to remain the leader in the mixed / augmented reality headset space. Microsoft first made the device available for developers and enterprises. Soon after, the technology giants have made it possible for anybody willing to front the cash to have their very Hololens headset sent to their door. Only thing is. At a ball-wrenching 3000 dollars. Most will have to be satisfied with living of packed noodles and getting the bus to work until some costs can be covered. In reality. The average Joe will have to wait for the more affordable consumer edition to be released before getting the chance to experience Hololens for themselves. 

When Will the Consumer Edition be Released & How Much Will It Cost? 

Many expected Microsoft to roll out the second edition in 2019, making this headset for the consumer market. However, the company have since cancelled all developments of version 2. Instead, they have decided to concentrate on developing a third edition. Microsoft explains that having no real competition means they can rearrange their plan and put more focus in to making a better product. The fact that CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella said he sees Hololens as a five year journey Indicates that 2020 may be the year.

Microsoft haven’t yet made any official announcement on how much Hololens’s consumer edition will be. There’s rumours all over the internet suggesting how much the public can expect the device to cost. Prices are ranging from as low as $400, to as high as $1500. For those hoping the cost of a brand new Hololens directly from the Microsoft website to be under 500 bucks. You’re dreaming. On the other hand. Magicleap One will create stiff competition upon its release later in the year. In result, forcing Microsoft to consider a price point that’s competitive while still being profitable. Keeping Hololens under a thousand bucks is critical for it to receive mainstream adoption. All things considered, $899-$999 is a realistic price-point that can be expected.  

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