Badoink Studios has launched an AR studio called “PassthroughVR,” which offers users a mix of dedicated passthrough videos and AI-converted VR scenes. Users can enjoy specially made passthrough content from BadoinkVR’s in-house studio as well as AI passthrough makeovers from some of the Badoink network’s most loved VR classics. This will include scenes from BadoinkVR, VRCosplayX, BabeVR, and 18VR.
So far, PassthroughVR has released several videos, including a dedicated passthrough encounter with the gorgeous Raven Lane and incredible 8K Passthrough AI makeovers from some of the company’s top VR scenes. Each video provides users with over 45 minutes of immersive POV AR sex, which they can enjoy in top-quality 8K resolution.
Each passthrough scene is filmed inside Badoink’s made-to-measure in-house studio. In typical passthrough fashion, the male talent is dressed head to toe in a chroma key suit with just his penis exposed. This means not only can users remove the background, but they can also remove the male from the video offering a truly personal AR experience.
In terms of its AI content, Badoink uses the latest artificial intelligence to remove the background from its VR videos in real time. The only other company to currently be doing this is Sex Like Real which successfully began converting its VR videos to AR using AI some time ago.
Working with AI opens a lot of possibilities. Badoink boasts an extensive catalogue of almost 2000 VR videos across its network of studios that it could potentially convert into passthrough. This includes 100’s of A-list pornstars such as Sladyen Skaya, Melody Marks, and award-winning Blake Blossom whose scene “A blossoming Bargain” has already been featured as passthroughVR’s first AI scene.
Users can feel confident that they’re getting a first-rate experience with passthroughVR. Badoink are highly recognized in the VR space as having one of the best combinations of talent and visual quality whose crisp, clear, sharp image quality has consitently remained as one of the industry’s leading standards.
The company has stated that more is on the way and there will be plenty to choose from soon, but it hasn’t indicated exactly when that will be.
PassthroughVR is compatible with all major mixed reality headsets including Meta Quest and Apple Vision Pro.
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