3D Hologroup Inc. has released the Personalities module for Beta testing for the Hololens version of the Free Trial model Amy.

amy,3d holo girlfriendThis module will allow the user to choose from many different Personalities such as sweet, jealous, submissive and dominant (only sweet and jealous are available in the Free Trial version).  The Personalities module builds upon the AI and voice accent functionality released by the company in October.  This is true AI in terms of machine learning and, as the AI module is used by the userbase, the AI will grow smarter over time because of the feedback loop built in.

3d holo girlfriend,ar porn3D Hologroup, Inc. founder and CEO, Greg Partin says:

Artificial intelligence and Augmented reality is the future of entertainment.

He goes on to say

We are very excited to be leading this technological evolution. We have seen our customer base grow rapidly since announcing our first 3 models in March so the market demand is picking up. With the release of Magic Leap One this fall and Microsoft’s Hololens 3.0 due out next year the AR HMD market is also picking up steam. This will allow us to continue to grow revenue and spend on the R & D needed to continue leading the market.

The company is committed to listening to the userbase community and will expand upon the Personalities as user suggestions and feedback are submitted.  The company is targeting December to release the remaining Personalities for the full paid version.

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For Investor Relations email at ir@3dhologroup.com

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